The Scholastic Early Childhood Program is a comprehensive, year-long curriculum that..
- Provides explicit instruction in early language, reading, and math skills.
- Combines child-centered explorations with teacher-directed instruction.
- Has a flexible and easy-to-use format.
- Provides in-depth formal and informal assessment.
- Includes rich English and Spanish resources.
- Integrates Professional Development into each lesson plan.
- Features activities for families to extend the learning day.
Parents, as your child gets ready to embark on this new adventure, you might be wondering, "Is my child ready?" or, "How can I help prepare my child for Pre-K?
While it is wonderful if they do, it is not necessary that your child enter either Pre-K or Kindergarten knowing all of their letters and numbers. Kids develop at different paces and our curriculum works to help students succeed whether they are just learning their ABC's or are already beginning readers. Most important is helping your child achieve important readiness skills that will help him or her become an eager learner and have fun at school. Below are some tips to a successful learner.
- The number one key to Pre-K is parent teacher communication. I will be there at 7 a.m. each morning and leave at 2 p.m. Some of you will get there before me and after I leave and you may never see me. This makes it really hard to communicate so to help with this your child will have a folder that they need to bring home and return every day. In this folder you will find their behavior chart, announcements, field trip news, daily work etc. You can send me letters if you have concerns. If we communicate and work together as a team we can have a very successful year. My planning time is 1-2 every day so if you need to talk to me please try and contact me during those hours unless it just can't wait. You can also contact me through email at You can also comment on this page and I will get it in my email.
- Work at home with your child and review things that he/she brings home with him. Show excitement in the work and they will be more excited about doing it and learning more.