Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Krispy Kreme Doughnut Fundraiser

Our Krispy Kreme doughnut fundraiser has kicked off and will end on Thursday January 19, 2012 and will follow Friday with a Pizza party for every child that sold ten or more certificates. You still have time to work and make that sale. Remember that your profit will go towards your graduation if you are in 4-K. If not you will be helping us fund our graduation/end of the year program. Thanks to all that helped...

In 4-K we're always up to something! Look to see what we've been doing!

Fall Nursery Rhyme Program

Thanksgiving Dinner for families and friends!

Our pumpkin decorating contest was a huge success. I was so impressed with the pumpkins.
Each pumpkin had to be decorated from a childrens book. Jd Devitt one first place with The Three Little Pigs.

A Baby Changes Everything Annual Christmas Program
We have been so busy the last few months... I want to add a few pictures to show you some of the things that we've been doing. For more pictures see SmallWonders on Facebook...

4-K Nursery Rhyme Program 2011

Our class took several nursery rhyme characters and played the part of each one of them. Each child had a nursery rhyme to say and act out in costume... The children had a blast learning these and at the end every student knew every nursery rhyme. What a great way to learn...